ICYMI: Proofreading Tips: A Year-End Gift for My Subscribers

Dear Reader,

As we approach the end of 2023, I wanted to say thank you for giving this newsletter a chance. I've seen Open Rates north of 60%, strong Click Rates, and strong growth in subscribers.

My gift is a new Resource that I hope you'll find helpful. If you prefer to print out on one sheet (front and back), you can delete or exclude the cover page with my contact information (I'll never know).

Here's the link to my new Proofreading Tips tool. Nobody else will see it before 2024.

I also welcome your feedback on the Proofreading Tips or how I can make the newsletter better.

If you're thinking, "Darn it, I didn't get Peter anything," I have a solution. Just hit Reply and answer two questions so I can serve you better. I will read every answer and respond if you have a question:

1. Tell me what you currently do. I don't need your company name, but it would be nice to know your level (CEO, C-Level, Sales or Account Executive, Individual Contributor, Solopreneur). I'm more interested in what you do for the organization (e.g., Sales, Marketing, Communications, Consulting, HR). As part of your answer, please tell me whether you consider yourself a "content creator" and whether you're getting this newsletter to benefit you personally or professionally.

2. How can I be more helpful to YOU? In 2024, I'll continue to focus each issue on a specific question-related theme. These include Building Stronger Relationships with Business Partners and Vendors, Improving your Interviewing Techniques, Developing a More Compelling Brand Message, Turbocharging Your Revenue, Focusing on Message Clarity, Beefing Up Your Strategic Planning, Interviewing for HR (Applicants and Exit Interviews), I welcome your thoughts.

Here's to a great 2024!


P.S. If your first name isn't at the top of this email, please let me know, and I'll update my subscriber list. If you forwarded this email to share the goodies (trust me, it's better than a fruitcake), the recipient can thank me by subscribing below.

Peter Osborne

My weekly Frictionless newsletter coaches readers to ask better questions so they can resolve customer pain points. Think of me as Communications Windex -- an experienced ghostwriter and award-winning business journalist who supports executives and teams with lots of knowledge but a scarcity of time & resources to answer the questions their customers and prospects have. Between the newsletter and my services, I coach busy executives to POLISH their unique insights, transforming them into sought-after industry experts who drive visibility, trust, and revenues. I also help sales teams move prospects through the sales process more quickly. My tagline is "Answer Their Questions. Close More Deals." I subscribe to 80+ newsletters and Google Alerts so you don't have to.

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