Frictionless #16: The questions that keep you awake at night

Welcome back to Frictionless, a weekly newsletter that helps readers Unleash the Power of Questions.


What does it take to turn yourself into a sought-after industry expert and drive visibility, trust, and revenues?

It's certainly more than writing the occasional blog post, commenting on someone else's LinkedIn post with something like "Agreed" or "Congrats, or creating a LinkedIn Profile in the third person and showing readers job descriptions instead of impact.

When was the last time you looked at your personal brand holistically, at the things that will encourage reporters to call you, others to Follow you and comment on your thoughtful posts, or website visitors to quickly understand what you do and then look at other pages before reaching out? At shining a bright light on yourself and asking tough questions that draw out your Differentiated Value.

You can certainly do this yourself, but others think of me as "Communicatons Windex," ready to POLISH this messaging until it shines. POLISH is an acronym for that holistic way to position yourself for various audiences. I created this a few weeks ago, and I'm already seeing an uptick in interest and higher revenues per project:

Positioning (How do you talk about yourself?)

Owned Media (Website Wireframes and Content)

LinkedIn Profiles (Highlight Your WHAT and HOW)

Influence (Thought Leadership Content)

Social Presence (LI Company Pages and Thoughtful Posting)

Headlines (Earned Media: Media Bios and Outreach).

POLISH makes my brand memorable, positions me for future thought leadership efforts (if my content supports that), and enables me to package my pricing. What are you doing that does the same thing, assuming that's what you want? It starts with asking yourself the tough questions.


Self-Reflection: Author, Professor, and Inc. Columnist Jessica Stillman says “no regrets” is a terrible life motto. Here are three “brutal” questions you must regularly ask yourself to be more successful.

Team Management: Entrepreneur magazine Editor-in-Chief Jason Feifer says the best way to earn people’s trust and respect is by asking yourself what it would mean to be a better caretaker of other people’s time.

Content Creation: Chenell Basilio outlines the three traits successful content creators share. Two are obvious, one isn’t. Can you guess what it is?

Politics: As the presidential campaign continues to heat up, Gini Dietrich suggests two questions that CEOs should consider before making a political statement.

SEO and Content Marketing: Andy Crestodina offers 13 steps for writing a high-ranking blog post (with a 20-minute video that compresses the time he spent doing it). Enjoy!

Personal Life: Tom O’Leary asks, How Is My Morning Routine Serving Me? My personal answer: It’s not, but I’ve been working on changing that over the past few weeks.


Getting nervous about an upcoming renewal negotiation with a valuable partner who's making noise about RFPs or looking elsewhere? Use this relationship planner to improve your chances of getting the deal done. Or reply to this email so I can help you think through your strengths and challenges.


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8:4 AM • Aug 8, 2024

I welcome your comments or suggestions for future issues. Drop me a note here. If you found this on LinkedIn or had it forwarded to you, you can subscribe by clicking the button below.

Peter Osborne

My weekly Frictionless newsletter coaches readers to ask better questions so they can resolve customer pain points. Think of me as Communications Windex -- an experienced ghostwriter and award-winning business journalist who supports executives and teams with lots of knowledge but a scarcity of time & resources to answer the questions their customers and prospects have. Between the newsletter and my services, I coach busy executives to POLISH their unique insights, transforming them into sought-after industry experts who drive visibility, trust, and revenues. I also help sales teams move prospects through the sales process more quickly. My tagline is "Answer Their Questions. Close More Deals." I subscribe to 80+ newsletters and Google Alerts so you don't have to.

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